January 2016: In August 2015, Drs. Hyland and Seron met with Drs. David Lopez and Raul Guiñez in Santiago, Chile to discuss the use of the IBCE exam by students graduating from the CSC program at Universidad Central, and then (with Dr. Borges’ assistance) they administered the IBCE pilot SPEC exam in Spanish to 32 students and doctors at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.
Dr. Borges has organized a FLAQ meeting in early March, 2016 in Mexico City to discuss the development of the CCE-LA and the use of IBCE exams with the leaders of the UNEVE chiropractic program. Dr. Seron will be providing an educational program with Dr. Iury Rocha, a Brazilian chiropractor.
May 4, 2015: Reported by Dr. Borges and Dr. Juan Sanchez To review and assess the current chiropractic educational situation of chiropractic programs established in Chile, Argentina and Brazil. To read the report in its entirety, click here: Report to WFC Trip Chile Argentina Brazil April 2015
March 15, 2015: Reported by Dr. Borges I just returned from Mexico, where I visited the three chiropractic schools and discussed setting up a CCE Latin America. All three deans are open to an evaluation process including an IBCE exam; this will be an important component of accreditation.
I plan on going in 3-4 weeks to Chile and Argentina to see what the progress is in those chiropractic training programs, and evaluate their interest in a Latin American CCE and the use of IBCE exams as part of the project.