International Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Advancing Chiropractic Care Throughout the World


The International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE) was established to assist in providing excellence in chiropractic healthcare and in protecting the public by registering or licensing only those chiropractors who demonstrate specific international chiropractic competencies.



Standardized Exams

The IBCE was formed to promote international standardization of chiropractic education and assessment. The IBCE does not embrace any particular philosophy of chiropractic. Instead, the IBCE produces tests, customized according to information provided by local chiropractic educational institutions, field practitioners, subject specialists, and other interested stakeholders.


Practice Analyses

The IBCE may also provide an analysis of the chiropractic profession within each jurisdiction that chooses to utilize IBCE services. This analysis helps further define exam development.

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